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Version: 1.0.2

Session hijacking

  • Targeting a session between two machines to gain access
  • Exploits vulnerabilities in session generation logic.
  • Common ways are to guess or steal a valid session token.
  • Types
    • Passive session hijacking: Monitoring the traffic without interference, e.g. through sniffers.
    • Active session hijacking: Becoming participant in the communication with target server.
  • Spoofing vs Hijacking
    • Spoofing: attacker pretends to be another user
    • Hijacking: process of taking over an existing active session

Steps of session hijacking​

  1. Sniff the network traffic between two machines
  2. Monitor the traffic to predict sequence numbers
    • E.g. using a proxy server trojan to change the proxy settings in the victim's browser.
  3. Session Desynchronization to break the connection
  4. Session ID prediction to take over the session
    • Cracking is easy if it is URL encoded, HTML encoded, unicode encoded, base64 encoded, or hex encoded.
    • Otherwise it can be brute-forced with possible range of values for the session ID
  5. Command Injection

Session hijacking attacks in OSI layers​

Application Layer session hijacking attacks​

  • To goal is to acquire a valid session ID
    • Allows to bypass the authentication schema of an application.
  • Session sniffing
    • Using sniffers to capture traffic, then analyzing it to find a valid session token.
  • Session token prediction
    • Requires understanding of token generation that can be through:
      • Analyzing some collected session IDs
      • Brute-forcing to generate and test different values of session ID
  • Session hijacking using proxy servers
    • Attacker creates a proxy webpage that looks legitimate
    • Server forwards requests to legitimate server while capturing session information.
  • Session replay attack
    • Eavesdropping traffic between target and its user to capture users authentication token
    • Once the token is captured the session is replayed with server to be authenticated
  • Session fixation attack
    • πŸ“ Attacker creates a session with server and trick target into authenticating themselves with attackers session ID.
  • Man-in-the-middle attack
    • Accessing to and possibly manipulating the communication channel between two machines.
  • Man-in-the-browser attack
    • Using a trojan (e.g. a malicious extension) to infect the browser
    • Usual to target financial transactions
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack
    • πŸ“ Injecting scripts on web pages to execute on target system to get session ID.

CRIME attack​

  • CRIME = Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy
  • Exploit against web cookies in HTTPS, TLS and SPYDY protocols that uses compression.
  • Server can refuse compression to prevent it.
BREACH attack​
  • BREACH = Browser Reconnaissance and Exfiltration via Adaptive Compression of Hypertext
  • Instance of CRIME attack for HTTP using gzip or DEFLATE data compression.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)​

  • Also known as XSRF, Sea Surf or Cross Site Request Forgery
  • πŸ“ Using a trusted site to submit malicious requests to target server.
  • E.g. transferring funds, changing password/email
  • The data is accepted as user is authenticated with a valid session on the target server.
  • Usually done by a link sent by attacker to a victim usually by phishing
    • E.g.
    • Another way is to send another website e.g.
      • sends an AJAX (JavaScript) request to
CSRF countermeasures​
  • Anti-forgery token
    • Cookies with randomly generated values that are validated on back-end
    • Ensures that only visiting the website sets the cookie and another website does not have access to the cookie.
  • SOP (same-origin policy)
    • Ensures that the session cookie (or anti-forgery token) can only be accessed by the legitimate website.
  • Similarities
    • Both are client-side attacks
    • Both require need some action of the end user
      • E.g. clicking on a link or visiting a website
  • Examples
    • CSRF: Involuntarily change password using victim's already logged cookie/session
      • Through
    • XSS: Involuntarily execute client-side code
  • Differences
    • XSS executes a malicious script in victims browser
      • CSRF sends a malicious request on victims behalf
    • XSS is generally more serious vulnerability than CSRF
      • CSRF often only applies to a subset of actions that a user is able to perform
      • XSS exploit can normally induce a user to perform any action that the user is able to perform
    • CSRF is "one-way" while an attacker can induce the victim to issue an HTTP request without retrieving response
      • XSS is "two-way" where response can read response and exfiltrate data to an external domain of the attacker's choosing.
  • Read more on Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and CSRF

Network Layer session hijacking attacks​

  • The goal is to intercept the packets transmitted between the client and the server.

TCP/IP Hijacking​

  • Uses spoofed packets to hijacks the connection and redirecting victims traffic to own computer.
  • Requires knowledge of IP addresses communicating with each other
  • Runs on layer 3 as IP address is a layer 3 (network level) address
  • πŸ“ Requires guessing the SEQ (sequence number) that increases by 1
    • TCP handshake with seq number
    • ❗ Very hard
  • Alternatively man-in-the-middle attack is used.
    1. Discover two PCs communicating with each other
    2. DoS one
    3. Redirect the traffic to own computer.
  • Tools

IP address spoofing using source routing​

RST hijacking​

  • Also known as TCP reset attack
  • Flow
    1. Attacker sends an authentic-looking reset (RST) to victim using servers IP address
    2. Attacker predicts the acknowledgment number (ACK).
    3. If the acknowledgment number is correct, victims connection with server is terminated.
  • Tools

Blind hijacking​

  • Attacker can introduce injections but does not see the response.
  • Can be use e.g. to send a command to change/reset a password

UDP hijacking​

  • Attacker creates and sends a forged reply to client by spoofing server IP.
  • Prevents client to proceed its communication with the server.
  • Easier than TCP/HTTP as no need to worry about sequence numbers or session cookies.
  • Example use-cases
    • UDP: Control victims clock (using NTP UDP packet) to make a certificate/session invalid
    • DNS: Send a false response to DNS lookup to fool the victim into resolving a domain into a malicious IP address (does not work with HTTPs)

Network level MITM attack​

  • Changes the clients default gateway to reroute the sent packets to go through the attacker.
  • Done by either
    • ARP spoofing
      • Through altering IP address to MAC mapping table (ARP)
    • Forged Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
      • ICMP is an extension of IP to send error messages
      • Attacker sends error messages indicating indicate problems in processing packets through the original connection.
        • Fools the server and client into routing through its path instead.

Session hijacking tools​

  • ZAP (OWASP Zed Attack Proxy)
    • Web application vulnerability scanner.
    • Free and open-source
  • Burp Suite
    • Web vulnerability scanner and manual tools to inspect and modify traffic
    • Burp Proxy allows intercepting all requests and responses

Session hijacking countermeasures​

  • Encrypt using e.g. HTTPs / IPSec / VPNs
  • Long and random session cookies to prevent guessing
  • Automatic log off if a session ends in use
  • Regenerate the session key after authentication is complete.