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IoT security

IoT threats

  • Lack of security
    • Speed at which IoT is advancing makes it harder to keep up with evolving security requirements.
    • Being short on processing power and memory leads to lack of security solutions and encryption protocols.
  • Vulnerable interfaces
    • For both device interfaces and other interfaces (e.g. cloud) it interacts with
    • E.g. lack of authentication/authorization, lacking or weak encryption, and a lack of input and output filtering.
  • Physical security risk
    • Cannot secure them as traditional devices by e.g. the storage of routers in secure cabinets
  • Lack of vendor support
    • The support of a certain device may get discontinued
  • Difficult to update firmware and OS
    • Some require manual intervention to be upgraded, some cannot be upgraded at all
    • Being compliant makes harder to do changes to e.g. medical devices.
  • Interoperability issues
    • Interoperability: "the ability to make systems and organizations work together" | Wikipedia
    • Each solution provides its own IoT infrastructure, devices, APIs, and data formats
    • Caused by competitive nature of IoT e.g. vendor lock-in

OWASP Top 10 IoT (2018)

  • OWASP Internet of Things Top Ten was introduced in 2004 and updated in 2018
  1. Weak, guessable, or hardcoded passwords
    • Use of easily brute forced, publicly available, or unchangeable credentials
    • Including backdoors in firmware or client software that grants unauthorized access to deployed systems
  2. Insecure network services
    • Unneeded or insecure network services running on the device itself
    • Bigger threat for those that are expose to the internet
    • Allows compromise confidentiality, integrity/authenticity, or availability of information or allow unauthorized remote control...
  3. Insecure ecosystem interfaces
    • Includes web, backend API, cloud, or mobile interfaces outside of the device
    • Allows compromise of the device or its related components.
    • E.g. lack of authentication/authorization, lacking or weak encryption, a lack of input and output filtering.
  4. Lack of secure update mechanism
    • Lack of firmware validation on device
    • Lack of secure delivery (un-encrypted in transit)
    • Lack of anti-rollback mechanisms
    • Lack of notifications of security changes due to updates.
  5. Use of insecure or outdated components
    • Use of deprecated or insecure software components/libraries
    • Insecure customization of operating system platforms
    • Use of third-party software or hardware components from a compromised supply chain
  6. Insufficient privacy protection
    • Use of users personal information insecurely, improperly, or without permission.
  7. Insecure data transfer and storage
    • Lack of encryption or access control of sensitive data
    • Can be anywhere within the ecosystem e.g. at rest, in transit, or during processing.
  8. Lack of device management
    • Lack of security support on devices deployed in production
    • Capabilities include e.g. asset management, update management, secure decommissioning, systems monitoring, and response.
  9. Insecure default settings
    • Can be shipped with insecure settings or without ability to make restrictions.
  10. Lack of physical hardening
    • Easily accessible physically

IoT attacks

IoT attack surface areas

  • Device memory: Credentials
  • Ecosystem access control: Implicit trust between components
  • Device physical interfaces: Privilege escalation, CLI
  • Device web interface: SQL injection, XSS
  • Device firmware: Sensitive data exposure, hardcoded credentials
  • Device network services: Unencrypted/poorly encrypted services.
  • Administrative interface: SQL Injection, XSS
  • Local data storage: Data encrypted with discovered keys, lack of integrity checks.

IoT attack types

  • Access control
    • E.g. remote access control or gaining access to administration panels
  • BlueBorn Attack
  • Jamming Attack
    • Also known as signal jamming attack
    • Jamming the signal to prevent the communication of devices
  • Man-in-the-middle attack
    • E.g. by sniffing through Foren6
      • Passive sniffer
      • Reconstruct a visual and textual representation of network information to support real-world Internet of Thingl
  • HVAC attack
    • Takes place when one hacks IoT devices in order to shut down air conditioning services.
    • Can allow access to a corporate systems.
  • Backdoor (not just IoT related)
  • Exploit kits
    • Malicious scripts used to exploit poorly patched devices.
  • Replay attack
    • Attackers send intercepted messages to target device to perform DoS.
    • See also SDR-based attacks
  • Ransomware attack
    • Type of malware that uses encryption to block user's access to his/her device.
  • Privilege escalation
  • Side channel attack
    • Attackers extract info about encryption keys by observing the emission signals (side channels) from IoT devices.
  • Web application attacks, web server attacks
  • Cloud computing attacks
  • Mobile application threats
  • DoS / DDoS
    • Can be done by converting devices into an army of botnet.
  • Forged malicious devices
    • Attackers replace authentic IoT devices with malicious device.
  • Resetting to an insecure state
  • Removal of storage media
  • Firmware attack
  • Network service attacks
  • Unencrypted local data storage
  • Confidentiality and integrity issues
  • Malicious updates
  • Insecure APIs
  • Eavesdropping
  • Sybil attack
    • Attacker uses multiple forged identities to create strong illusion of traffic congestion.

Rolling code attack

  • Also known as hopping code attack.
  • Used in keyless entry systems such as garage door openers and keyless car entry systems.
  • Attacker capture signal from transmitter device, simultaneously blocking the receiver to receive the signal
  • Attacker uses the signal to gain unauthorized access
  • E.g. stealing car with captured signal
    • Attacker jams and sniffs the signal to obtain the code transferred to vehicle's receiver
  • Tools include HackRF One hardware tool.

SDR-based Attacks

  • Attackers use Software Defined Radio (SDR) to examine the communication signals in the IoT network and sends spam content or texts to the interconnected devices.
  • Can also change the transmission and reception of signals between the devices.
  • Includes
    • Replay attack
      • The attacker obtains frequency used for data sharing between devices and captures data.
    • Cryptanalysis Attack
      • Attacker uses same procedure as replay attack and also reverse engineering of the protocol to capture the original signal.
    • Reconnaissance attack
      • Attacker obtains info about the target device from the device's specification.
      • See also information gathering

Firmware extraction

  • Allows looking for data in filesystem or reverse engineering it for vulnerabilities.
  • Flow example:
    1. binwalk is a common tool for it found on Kali Linux.
    2. firmwalker to list vulnerabilities by scanning all files.

Device memory containing credentials

  • Can be used for reading/manipulating data
  • Allows pushing firmware updates
  • Enables usage of devices to other devices in the network

Fault injection attacks

  • Also known as perturbation attacks
  • Occur when a perpetrator injects any faulty or malicious program into the system to compromise the system security.
  • Optical, Electro Magnetic Fault Injection (EMFI), Body Bias Injection (BBI)
    • Injection using projecting lasers and electromagnetic pulses.
  • Power/clock/reset/glitching
    • Injections into power supply and clock network of the chip.
  • Frequency/voltage tampering
    • Tampering with clock frequency of the chip
  • Temperature attacks
    • Attackers alter the temp for the operating the chip.

DNS rebinding

  • Done by compromising browsers as traffic tunnels to exploit private services.
  • Done through malicious script in a webpage to manipulate resolution of domain names.
  • Can help to gain access over the target's router using a malicious JavaScript code injected on a web page.
    • After that, an attacker can assault any device activated using the default password.

Hacking Methodology

Information gathering

  • Also known as IoT footprinting
  • Includes collecting information regarding target IoT devices
  • Information can include e.g. IP address,running protocols, vendor, type of device, hostname, ISP, device location, banner of the target IoT device.
  • Can involve using
    • IoT search engines to find manufacturer or device information.
    • Searching for hardware registrations in regulating bodies
      • Can help to find information regarding compliance standards, user Manuals, documentation, wireless operating frequency, and photos
      • E.g.
  • See also Footprinting

Vulnerability scanning

  • Scanning the network and devices to find vulnerabilities
  • Search for weak password
  • Software and firmware vulnerabilities
  • Tools


Gain access

  • Gain unauthorized access
  • Privilege escalation
  • Install backdoor

Maintain attack

  • Logging out
  • Clearing logs
  • Covering tracks

IoT attack countermeasures

  • Encrypt
    • Use encrypted communication (SSL/TLS)
    • Implement end-to-end encryption
    • Use VPN architecture
    • Encrypt drives
  • Password policies
    • Use strong password
    • Ensure secure password recovery
  • Update devices
    • Patch vulnerabilities
    • Firmware update
  • Restrict access
    • Prevent the devices against physical tampering
    • Allow only trusted IP's to access device from internet
    • Implement strong authentication mechanisms.
      • E.g. two-Factor Authentication
    • Use Lockout feature to disable multiple login attempts
  • Monitor
    • Implement IPS/IDS in the network
    • Periodic assessment of devices
  • Disable unused or unnecessary ports and services
    • Disable UPnP port on routers
    • Monitor traffic on port 48101 for infected traffic
    • Disable telnet as it's insecure protocol
    • Disable Guest or Demo user accounts