Version: 1.0.2Disk encryption
- Encryption of all data stored on a disk.
- Data-at-rest protection
- Protect the data stored in the disk and ensure its confidentiality
- 📝 Protects against someone who gains physical access to your device
- ❗ But does not protect from malware or from being attacked by hackers over the internet
Full Disk Encryption (FDE)
- Encrypting every bit of data stored on a disk or a disk volume
- Working similar to text-message encryption and protects data even OS is not active
- Protects system folders, files, and MBR until valid credentials are provided at pre-boot
- VeraCrypt
- Symantec Drive Encryption
- BitLocker Drive Encryption
- cryptsetup
- Open-source disk encryption utility tool
- Supports LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup), TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt, BitLocker, loop-AES, dm-crypt...
- Encrypt
sudo yum install cryptsetup
- Find mapped disk folder to encrypt using
sudo fdisk -l
sudo cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat /dev/<mapped-folder>
- Decrypt
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/<mapped-folder> <new-name>
- Will map unencrypted device to
(check fdisk -l
- More information about encryption method etc:
sudo cryptsetup status <new-name>
- or
sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/<mapped-folder>
- Reformat device:
- Clear:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/<mapped-folder> bs=128
- Create file system:
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/<mapped-folder>
- Mount:
sudo mount /dev/mapper/<mapped-folder> <mountad-name>/