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Network security

Network security controls

  • Include: Access control, Identification, Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, Cryptography, Security Policy

Access control

  • Restrictions that determine who has access to what on a system/network.
  • Physical access control
    • Restricts access to physical locations and buildings.
  • Logical access control
    • Restricts the access to networks and information.
  • Terminology
    • Subject = Who's reaching, user or process which accesses the objects
    • Object = What's being reached, resources upon which the restrictions are placed
    • Operation = Verb, What's being done, the action performed by the subject on the object
    • Reference Monitor = implements the rules which define what actions on the object can a subject perform
  • Involves
    • Identification: unique identity in any given system
      • There are your credentials
      • e.g. social security number, username and password.
    • Authentication
      • You're granted access via credentials
      • You use the credentials
    • Authorization:
      • What you can access, where you can go, can you park somewhere
    • Accounting
      • Act of logging and creating account of all actions, what has been done.

Network security zoning

  • Grouping networks for efficient management of networks.
  • Any network has physical firewalls (routers) which has software to act as firewall and control the traffic
    • However it's hard to manage each network instead best to group them in zones and apply rules in that zone.

Security zone

  • Group of similar people or systems by characteristics e.g. functionalities to apply same rules.
  • Properties include:
    • Active security policies in regard to the network traffic
      • E.g. to implement the policy "secretaries cannot reach twitter", can block those sites through firewall rule in their zone
    • Detection and blocking of malicious traffic
      • Software needs to actively scan and label what's malicious or not and stop malicious traffic
    • List of known IP addresses and address sets
      • IP address of device and interface are different
    • List of the zone interfaces
  • A device or an interface can can have multiple IP addresses
    • E.g. wired connection has one interface, another interface to connect to DB
    • Maintenance interface
      • Last resort to fix stuff
      • Usually no security boundaries/guards on those interfaces
      • Must have physical security
      • E.g. someone goes in to server room in cold jacket codes, plugs in a laptop and uses maintenance interface to fix something.

Zone examples

  • Internet zone
    • Uncontrolled zone out of boundaries of an organization.
  • 📝 DMZ Zone
    • Controlled zone.
    • Also known as demilitarized zone
    • Provides a barrier between the external and internal networks.
    • Included in every router.
    • Uses firewalls control what can go in and out.
  • Production zone
    • Restricted zone.
    • Firewalls are used to filter inbound and outbound traffic
    • Access from uncontrolled networks is strictly controlled.
  • Intranet zone
    • Controlled zone with less restrictions
  • Management zone
    • Secured zone which enforces strict policies and limits access to a few authorized users.